
Hi, I'm Richard Fraser and I want to unleash your truth.

One of my core beliefs is spirituality, and that's what we are going to talk about today. We're not talking about religion, nothing organized, breaking down a history, and trying to rationalize the spirit, but just the knowledge that there is something bigger. Something out there listening. I cant tell you what it is, you get to make that up. I'm going to use the word God though, it's pretty universal and caries a good connotation. I could just as easily say the universe, higher power, or karma. Don't let my use of the word God scare you off. Prayer is another scary word I will use. Your prayers don't have to be to anyone, and there is no structure to them; it's just you asking for what you need. We'll go more into that later.

Being spiritual and believing that there is something out there with a system or plan can help us with life. The deeper one gets, the less one asks, "Why did this happen?" When we can back up and acknowledge that there is something bigger than us we can get outside of ourselves and focus on what's really important, our connection to everything around us.

Humans are social creatures, we need love. It's easy to pretend that we don't, it's easy to hide our inner needs, but all of us long to feel accepted. Backing up and seeing our connections to the world around us can put us on that path. God accepts us as we are. There is no need to impress God. Are you getting scared? Remember you can replace God with whatever you want. The universe accepts you as you are. With this knowledge we can start to be our true selves, show what we are meant to show, teach what we know.

Everything in your life happened for a reason. Can you accept that? Sometimes we know the reason and sometimes we never will. Most of the pain in my life has helped me relate to others, to tell them I know how you feel and it's OK to feel like that. So if everything happens for a reason and God accepts you for who you are, what are you meant to do?

This is where prayer and meditation come in. You pray for answers, you ask for guidance. God will answer. It may not be the answer you want, you might lose your job, you might lose family, you might lose the house, but these are the things that define us. Your trials will bring out the best in you if you face them. What's in the way, is the way.

There is something magical about asking for what you want. By putting your thoughts into words and better yet, those words on paper we can ask God to work with us. The clearer your vision, the clearer the path. And not just from God, but from us. Our brains are wired to believe what we tell it. If we envision our future clear enough, down to the fine details, our brains will seek that out. Those two things, God's obstacles and our brains focus, can make our dreams come true.

Don't get me wrong, you cant sit back and watch life unfold around you. Life is about action, words and thoughts are nice, but action is what moves us. Looking at your life and finding something you want to change, or something that you need to work through, and finding the next step for that. The next right thing to do. Just that little step to get you going.

Rome wasn't built in a day, it was done piece by piece, so is your life. Can you look back at your youth and see the path that brought you here? Your trials and tribulations that have led here. Your actions have brought you here, can you see that? Can you see the specific choices that you have made? Now get out of the past and look at the now. What choice can you make to take your life to the next level? What fight do you need to fight, win or lose, to make you into the future you that you envision? It's ok not to know. It's ok to not understand. This, like everything in life, is something you can learn how to do. One step at a time. One thought at a time. It all starts right now, with spirituality. You know there is something out there, you know this isn't just all a mess of happy accidents. You don't need to understand it or even give it a name, just give it a little faith. You've got this, I know you do.
